
This Privacy Policy ensues from our desire to ensure that our users are aware of our general rules on privacy and of the way we process their personal data, which we collect and process in full and strict compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. LIVING SEEDS SEMENTES VIVAS, S.A. has always respected your privacy and we are committed to ensuring that our relationship with our customers continues to be anchored in transparency and trust. This Privacy Policy describes who we are, what we may use your data for, how we process it, how we share it, how long we keep it and also the ways in which you can get in touch with us if you wish to exercise your personal data rights.


Your data will be processed (i) by LIVING SEEDS SEMENTES VIVAS, S.A., which has the single registration and legal person number 513 635 904, whose registered office is at Centro Empresarial de Idanha-a-Nova, Zona Industrial, escritório 14, 6060-182 Idanha-a-Nova, which is registered at the Lisbon Commercial Registry Office, whose telephone number is +(351) 272 200 010 and email is, or (ii) by its holdings, whether related by control or by group membership, which are jointly referred to as “SEMENTES VIVAS”.


SEMENTES VIVAS will only process your personal data when:

1. We have a legitimate interest in doing so, namely for the provision of services or information, provided that, in each individual case, our interest aligns with the applicable legislation and your rights. More specifically, the data is used in:

 - Communicating with our customers;
 - Employee recruitment;
 - Developing and maintaining our website;
 - Providing technical support;
 - Preventing and detecting fraud;
 - Ensuring the security of our network and of our information;
 - Providing information on the work done at SEMENTES VIVAS.

2. Such processing is necessary for executing a contract or carrying out pre-contractual diligences on the same;

3. We have obtained your consent to process your personal data for a specific, explicit and legitimate purposes; and/or

4. We need to process your data in order to comply with our legal obligations.

When you complete the forms on our website, on paper or on other platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), your personal data (specifically your name, email address, telephone number or address) is collected by SEMENTES VIVAS and processed for the purposes of answering your questions, fulfilling your requests or providing the information you require.

If you provide us with your contact information, SEMENTES VIVAS may contact you for marketing purposes, when this is related to your services and provided you have consented to your personal data being used for this purpose. You may also agree to receive marketing information by email. You may oppose this processing of your data at any time.

The personal data provided by the data owner will also be processed for the purposes indicated at the time of collection.


Our policy is to only keep your data for the time required to achieve the purpose for which it was originally collected. In certain cases, data may be kept for longer, particularly when the law requires this.


As a data owner you may, at any time and within the terms of the law:

1. Request access to the information that we have on you – the personal data owner has the right to know whether or not their data is being processed and, if it is, to access their personal data and to access the information stipulated in law;

2. Request that your information be corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete - the personal data owner has the right to expect that SEMENTES VIVAS will correct any personal data that is inaccurate or incomplete and do so without undue delay.

3. Request that your personal data be deleted – the personal data owner has the right to ask SEMENTES VIVAS to delete their personal data without undue delay. SEMENTES VIVAS is obliged to delete personal data, without undue delay, when one of the following circumstances apply: (i) the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed; (ii) consent for the processing of the data has been withdrawn (in those cases in which processing is consent-based) and there is no other overriding reason for the processing in question; and/or (iv) the data owner opposes the processing and there are no other prevailing and legitimate grounds for such processing.

4. Request that the processing of your personal data be restricted – the personal data owner has the right to ask SEMENTES VIVAS to limit the processing of their data if any of the following circumstances apply: (i) when contesting the accuracy of the personal data, during a period sufficient to allow SEMENTES VIVAS to check the accuracy of the same; (ii) when the data processing is legitimate and the data owner opposes the deletion of the personal data and requests, instead, that restrictions be placed on its use; (iii), when SEMENTES VIVAS no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes but the owner has requested the same for the purposes of asserting, exercising or defending a right in a legal claim; (iv) when the owner has opposed the processing, until such time as it has been shown that the legitimate grounds of the entity responsible for the processing outweigh the wishes of the data owner.

5. Oppose the processing of your personal data (i) in those cases in which SEMENTES VIVAS processed the data for legitimate business reasons; (ii) or the data was processed for direct marketing purposes; or (iii) for the profile building. Furthermore, you may oppose the processing of your data at any time.

6. If the processing depends on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent. If your consent was legally necessary for the processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, although this right shall not affect the legitimacy of any processing carried out on the basis of the consent that you previously gave nor of any later processing of the same data, where this is based on different legal grounds, such as compliance with any contract or legal obligation to which SEMENTES VIVAS is bound.

Should you wish to exercise any of your rights, you should contact us, in writing, via email ( or letter (address: Centro Empresarial de Idanha-a-Nova, Zona Industrial, Escritório 14, 6060-182 Idanha-a-Nova).

Your requests will be dealt with in a manner that will fully preserve the effectiveness of your rights. You may be asked to prove your identity to ensure that we only share personal data with the owner of that data.

It may be the case that we are unable to meet your request immediately (for example, for legal reasons).

In any case, we will inform you of the steps that we have taken, no later than one month after you have submitted your request.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection


Keeping your information secure and protecting your personal data are a priority for SEMENTES VIVAS. We implement appropriate means of protection and make sure these are properly maintained, so as to ensure that our internal security procedures for personal data are in full compliance with the prevailing regulations.

We also make every necessary effort to ensure that all third parties contracted to work with us, as partners or service providers, also securely protect the personal data to which they have access.

Access to personal data is limited to specific employees and to those occasions when the work that they are doing justifies such access.

We take all necessary steps to ensure that your personal data is processed securely. More specifically, we implement preventative measures to protect your personal data from loss or misuse and we have stringent security procedures in place to safeguard against unauthorised access to such personal data. All the personal data we collect is stored on secure servers. We submit our security systems and policies to regular scrutiny, so that we can be sure that the data is securely protected.

We also respect the confidentiality of your information. Thus, we would never sell, transfer, distribute or in any other way commercially disseminate your information to any third party. SEMENTES VIVAS is committed to fully preserving the confidentiality of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the applicable legislation.


If you still have any questions regarding the way in which we process your personal data, or wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us:

• Email: • Telephone number: +(351) 272 200 010 • Address: Centro Empresarial de Idanha-a-Nova, Zona Industrial, Escritório 14, 6060-182 Idanha-a-Nova.


SEMENTES VIVAS may make changes to this Privacy Policy. We ask you to re-read this document on a regular basis, so you can be sure you are always up-to-date.


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